January 24, 2005

newly round

http://www.designboom.com/contest/view.php?contest_pk=3&item_pk=1026&p=1 small soft portable cute refrigerator
http://www.funhaler.com/product.html a kid oriented inhaler with a built in whistle and bright colors
http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2004/12/02/magazine/20041205_PORTFOLIO_SLIDESHOW_1.html slide show of plaster mathematical forms
http://www.physorg.com/news2581.html the Eiffel tower shape looked at from a math perspective that the designer wasn't aware of
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/15/national/15submarine.html?o... why a submarine crashed into a mountain that it didn't know was there
http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_positioning.asp positioning in CSS
http://amysrobot.com/archives/2005/01/every_top_album.php a aggregated and scored list of the top albums of 2004
http://akiba.sorobangeeks.net/news_9086.html mini plants on key chains. i have some that would work for this if i could figure out a good container.
http://greg.org/archive/2005/01/16/from_anne_truitts_journal_prospect.html an excerpt from Anne Truitt
http://charles.gagalac.us/movable-type-tips/ bunches of juicy things to sort through about movable type
http://www.archinect.com/tshirts/ I want an architecture t-shirt
http://www.adrianpiper.com/ where do I know her from? art history or somewhere outside of class.
http://mocoloco.com/archives/000796.php#more I want a watch with no dial and no numbers.
http://www.joshrubin.com/coolhunting/archives/2005/01/vase_of_phases.html broken vase
http://home.c2i.net/metaphor/mvpage.html using your microwave as a foundry furnace
http://www.windyhillwoods.com/Split-Jig.htm splitting strip rubber for wagon wheels
http://www.dezwozhere.com/links.html the definitive list of online CSS resources
