June 22, 2006
links for 2006-06-22
"The discovery that the wood blocks and metal plates used for printmaking deteriorate at a clocklike rate means that we can now use the prints as a 'print clock' for determining the date a work was printed "
"He does a dinner-party voice. "'And this is David Bowie, and this is Terry from Leeds who I went to school with.' Pervertedly, I quite like that idea." "
"Want to know how fast your gun is shooting? Don't want to buy an actual chronograph? ...Check out our surprisingly accurate method that you can probably do with stuff you've got sitting around the house!"
"In 1953, the ... filmmaker Jean Painlevé made Cirque de Calder, which exists in both 40- and 60-minute versions. But it's Vilardebo's later film--and the shorter version of it--which has gained the biggest audience."
The Navy uses a different procedure than that used on civilians — grinding the cornea rather than cutting a flap — out of fears that the flap could come loose in supersonic combat.
"After a few seconds to process the image, the contents of the document are read aloud. A set of earbuds come as standard, but the sound could also be routed through a Bluetooth headset or a set of speakers"
eric fertman
The Big Umbrella' is twice as big (240 x 160 cm) as the biggest men's umbrella found on the consumer market and can in turn potentially shield 16 people from the rain.