July 13, 2004

thinking about interpretation

Despite my best efforts, I still don't feel like I get "art". I read a lot about it. I have a pretty good idea of the happenings in the art world. I go see art. I see some of the things I read about. What really seems to stick in my head is the disconnection that exists between what I perceive in works of art and the intentions/ perceptions of other viewers. I don't refer to my own art. For this I'm concerned with going and seeing art or facsimile thereof in a publication with little prior knowledge of the information surrounding piece. This separation occurs mostly in the context of critical writing and review.

I don't seem to have any trouble wrapping my head around concepts. On a usual basis, I can correlate how these detailed descriptions and interpretations show up in a work of art. While I get what they say, these are not things that would come into my head without any guidance. It seems that my interpretive abilities, when it comes to other people's art, don't play out very well in language. I find this very frustrating.

When I respond to a work of art, it tends to come upon me as a basic level knowledge. This is to say that, I have a good sense of how a work plays off of my instincts and how it fits in with my favorite, unconscious set of art-evaluating rules. I believe that this is a key to reaching a larger audience with your message.

This prose format is getting to me......

Getting your message to register on the unconscious set .
If message can do that or not.
I get artists like Friedman (1) (2), Serra (1) (2), Rothko (1) (2)
Because something about these works of art line up with my body
But I dont see how some can keep going in their line of questioning
History of searching for the universal in art
But universal way of presenting this particular information
Some people are just looking too hard
Common person looking for the narrative or representation
Need to approach it like viewing a sunset
For the experience rather than the object initially

What happens to me as an artist if I don't have this ability that on the surface other artists seem to have?
Do they have it?
Can I develop it?
Is it already there and just interpreting unconscious into language?
Do I worry too much?



Posted by: Susan at July 14, 2004 03:11 PM

I think so too.(& you DORK: you put pictures on this snazzy site of yours of every damn person who stood on that door but me; if you'd ask me, I'd say you were-- a little bit sexist, maybe, yeah.)

Posted by: adam. at July 15, 2004 06:01 AM