corner back piece

Apileapathasaurus, space: 96 x 96 x 96 in., mixed media, animation, pencil on photocopy, plastic dinosaurs, display, 4.2004
Colaboration with Susan Quinn

Susan Quinn and I, built an 8 ft.-cube interior space for the show "Feedbag". We presented our animation on a display recessed into the center of the ceiling. The animation was made initially frame by frame on a photocopy machine and subsequently, modified with color pencil. The animation was compiled using Premiere. The viewers entered the darkened space through a curtain. The only light comes from the animation playing above their heads. As they watch, small, plastic dinosaurs randomly fall from the darkened ceiling.

video CLICK ( lo | hi ) for video documentation. Requires Quicktime.

apile still

apile still

apile installation

apile installation